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Peer to Peer Recognition Initiative (PPRI) - Employee Morale Progam

What is PPRI? 

The mission of our Peer to Peer Recognition Initiative (PPRI) is to empower first responders with the resources and funds needed to instill consistent peer recognition efforts within their agency. Thusly, boosting employee morale, mental health, increasing job satisfaction, and building team resilience. 


Why does it matter? 

First Responders put their lives on the line for others everyday, and deserve to be recognized. 

Burnout along with self doubt, detachment, increased cynicism, negativity, loss of motivation, and a decreased job satisfaction are all intensified within their line of work. Many first responders are recognized for their service only once a year, and some get no recognition at all. The flaw with waiting a whole year for recognition is that these efforts come TOO LATE for employees who are burned out. By implementing frequent and consistent ways to recognize employees is a means of curbing burnout, building a sense of value, and increasing motivation. 

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Under Funded, Low Funding or No Funding: 

The goal of our PPRI is to provide training and funds to first responders whose departments are underfunded.


PPRI applicants will be developing practical recognition opportunities to implement in their own agency. 

Even though there are inexpensive, low cost, or free ways to recognize employees (paper type recognition), more substantial recognition gestures could have a greater impact for employees. Our main goal with PPRI is employee morale through shows of appreciation and recognition. 

In short, FROG strives to equip applicants whose agency has 'funding challenges' with training, resources, and funds to help facilitate the success of their own PPRI team program.


What things are recognized? 

Applicants will develop a recognition plan that should encompass areas such as: specialized holidays (telecommunications week, police/fire week, LEO appreciation day, etc.), major national holidays, birthday celebrations, employment anniversaries, performance recognitions, team building, awards/nominations, and various morale boosting opportunities.


What’s the longterm goal?

The PPRI applicants will develop their own recognition plan and goals. The development and evolution of the PPRI in the first year will build a strong basis for subsequent years, and enable the PPRI team multiple avenues for improvement and expansion. Of course, there is always ‘trial and error’ so the evolution of plans, and fine tuning is a ‘work in progress’.


Who can apply? 

Applicants for the PPRI should be prepared to take on the task of recognizing each employee in their agency on a regular basis. 

Spouses: The PPRI program is open to police, and fire spouses. The first responder MUST be listed on the application as co-applicant, and agree to be an active participant in the PPRI team. 

All interested in applicants will submit all appropriate application materials to the First Responder Outreach Group, and if qualified they will be contacted regarding resources and funding to enact their PPRI.

Ready To Get Started?

Wanna Help? 

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